In the spring, it can be expected that lots of rainstorms are heading inwards. However, flooding and water damage in Canoga Park  will come along with the storms if not properly prepared for them. These heavy rains can cause excess water to overflow into streams and rivers, causing flooding. In addition to the yard and basement, flooding can also damage property and cause mold growth from the inability of the ground to absorb all of the water.

Water Damage Cleanup

Because there are so many dangers that can come with rain, it’s important to be prepared for the outcome of flooding if the event happens to arise. There are several ways to manage stormwater runoff and prevent damage.

Install Drainage Systems

Flooding can be inevitable in some areas and, because of that, it’s important to install items to drive water out of the home. One of these items is a sump pump. This piece of equipment is installed in the basement in a shallow pit. In the event of a flood when the shallow pit fills with water, the pump will push the water back out of the house through the tubing. This device can be an incredibly helpful backup to easily transport water out of the basement. Another system that can be installed is much simpler: a drainage plug, which will just be installed on the basement floor, essentially like a shower drain. This product utilizes gravity to get the water out of your home quickly and effectively.


There are several spots in the home that will need to be sealed to ensure that water cannot make it in. Caulk is a great product to waterproof any home. The most notable places to check if they are properly sealed are ceilings, basement floors, door frames, and windows. It’s important to do a preliminary check of all these places to guarantee that they are properly sealed and that no water will be able to leak through. Missed hole can create a leak in the home that might go unnoticed until it causes major water damage. The roof is also susceptible to holes and other types of wear and tear, so regularly check it for any issues. If you notice anything that isn’t sealed correctly, be sure to reseal it as soon as possible to prevent any future water damage.

Clean Gutters

Gutters play a pivotal role in keeping water damage in Canoga Park  away from a home. They are a simple system attached to the exterior to carry rainwater from the roof and away from the structure. However, if they are clogged, they will be unable to carry out the task they were designed for. Because of this, it’s extremely important to keep them clear of debris. Check them often, and clean them out a minimum of twice a year depending on the foliage around the property.

When Should I Call A Professional?

It’s important to know when to call a professional. Though there are several preventative measures that can be done on your own and there are some things that are better left to professionals. If any project seems difficult or uncomfortable to undertake, a licensed professional such asEco Team Water Damage Clean Up & Mold Removal  can help out. Keeping your home water damage free is important, especially when done correctly and safely.

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Spotting Water Damage in Canoga Park