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Most appliances in households require a water connection to function, but this quirk often leads to disastrous consequences like water leaks and damage. Though we obviously cannot do without these life-saving devices, it’s important be aware of the dangers they pose. So take a walk around your home and really look at each appliance — because one day, not too far from now, one of them is likely to spring a leak and cause some serious problems.

You, as a homeowner, owe it to yourself to understand the risks and which common household appliances most often cause water leaks. The best way to avoid such leaks is to check for leaks through a simple checklist.

Common Household Appliances That Cause Water Damage

You rely on your refrigerator for fresh food, your washing machine for clean clothes and your dishwasher for spotless dinnerware. On an appliance like the washing machine, the hose isn’t overly tough. It will last for a time, but you’ll likely want a replacement before long.

Checklist to Avoid Water Damage

How to Clean Up Flood Damage Safely